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#IEEEXtreme #IEEEXtreme Egypt #Problem-solving

IEEEXtreme Egypt is a group of IEEEXtreme Ambassadors in the Egypt Section and IEEE volunteers working on spreading the idea of problem-solving and encouraging IEEE student members to participate strongly in IEEEXtreme programming competitions every year.

IEEEXtreme is a common online competition among IEEE Members worldwide. IEEEXtreme is a problem-solving Competition using programming. The aim of the Competition is to spread awareness and knowledge of Programming among students everywhere so the ambassadors' program was Created to Spread the Competition more and more every year.

From this point, IEEEXTREME Egypt was born to facilitate and organize the Competition in Egypt. IEEEXtreme Egypt Organizes a bunch of Events That serves the Main Target of the Competition like Error Camp and Onsite Competition For more information about

IEEEXtreme Egypt is a group of IEEEXtreme Ambassadors in the Egypt Section and IEEE volunteers working on spreading the idea of problem-solving and encouraging IEEE student members to participate strongly in IEEEXtreme programming competitions every year.

