Vijayalata Yellasiri: Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Winner - IEEE WIE ILC Awards 2017

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#IEEE #WIE #WIE ILC #2017 #women #engineering #professional development #San Jose #conference #event #WIE Awards #winner #panelist #Vijayalata Yellasiri #member #technology #GRIET #social responsibility #student branch

WIE Member Vijayalata Yellasiri, Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Winner hailing from the Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, speaks about her local WIE branch, making a difference and why social responsibilities in the field matter. Following her presentation, Yellasiri answers questions from the moderator.

Read more about the annual WIE ILC at:


WIE Member Vijayalata Yellasiri, Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Winner hailing from the Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, speaks about her local WIE branch, making a difference and why social responsibilities in the field matter.   

