Enhancing 5G+ Performance: ML & DL for 5G - Tim O'Shea - B5GS 2019

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#Brooklyn 5G Summit #2019 #B5GS #5G #Future Networks #live stream #panel #mobile #internet #radio #communications #machine learning #deep learning #DeepSig #wireless models #network optimization #PHY #baseband #technology #communications systems #MIMO learning #big data #enhanced performance #RF sensing

Mr. Tim O’Shea, DeepSig, discusses the core issue with wireless complexity and modeling in a rapidly expanding network. O’Shea shares what DeepSig software does for wireless including RF sensing and PHY baseband technology, and also looks at building communication systems with Deep Learning.   

Read more on the B5GS website: https://brooklyn5gsummit.com/

Mr. Tim O’Shea, DeepSig, discusses the core issue with wireless complexity and modeling in a rapidly expanding network. O’Shea shares what DeepSig software does for wireless including RF sensing and PHY baseband technology, and also looks at building communication systems with Deep Learning.   

