Register now for the 19 May live-stream event celebrating 50 Years of the Internet on





Register now for the live-stream event.

This triple IEEE Milestone dedication will celebrate the creation of three world-changing technologies: the Alto personal computer, Ethernet, and the Laser Printer. These were invented and put into everyday use at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in the 1970s. What was then called "the Office of Future" is now commonplace throughout the world.

PARC is now part of SRI, and this PARC Forum will be hosted by SRI's CEO Dr. David Parekh. It will include conversations with Vint Cerf and Bob Metcalfe — two people whose contributions have fundamentally shaped modern networking and computing. Also joining the discussion is Tom Coughlin, IEEE President, and Brian Berg, IEEE History Committee Vice Chair.



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