The Annual Awards Ceremony of the IEEE Control Systems Society
Annual Awards Ceremony of the
IEEE Control Systems Society
60th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control
Awards Program
Opening Remarks
Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Tryphon Georgiou, Chair, Awards Committee
Outstanding Chapter Award
Presented by Maria Di Benedetto – Vice President, Member Activities
IEEE CSS Hungary Chapter – Levente Kovacs, Chair
Distinguished Member Award
Presented by Maria Di Benedetto – Vice President, Member Activities
Bob Bitmead
Sandra Hirche
Masayuki Fujita
Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award
Presented by Alessandro Giua – Vice President, Conference Activities
Mattia Bianchi and Sergio Grammatico, “Fully distributed Nash equilibrium seeking over time-varying networks with linear convergence rate”, presented at the 2020 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Dec. 14-18, 2020
CSm Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Solmaz S. Kia, Bryan Van Scoy, Jorge Cortés, Randy A. Freeman, Kevin M. Lynch, and Sonia Martínez, “Tutorial on Dynamic Average Consensus: The Problem, Its Applications, and the Algorithms”, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 39, No. 3, pages 40-72, June 2019.
TCNS Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Ivano Notarnicola and Giuseppe Notarstefano, “Constraint-Coupled Distributed Optimization: A Relaxation and Duality Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, pages 483-492, March 2020
TCST Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Paulo Paz, Tiago Roux Oliveira, Alexandre Visintainer Pino, Ana Paula Fontana, “Model-Free Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation by Stochastic Extremum Seeking”, IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 28, No. 01, pages 238-253, January 2020.
George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Yuh-Shyang Wang, Nikolai Matni, and John C. Doyle, “A System-level Approach to Controller Synthesis," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 64, No. 10, pages 4079 - 4093, October 2019.
Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Henk J. van Waarde, Claudio De Persis, M. Kanat Camlibel, and Pietro Tesi, “Willems’ Fundamental Lemma for State-Space Systems and Its Extension to Multiple Datasets", Vol. 4, No. 3, pages 602-607, July 2020
Award for Technical Excellence in Aerospace Control
Presented by Jing Sun – Vice President, Technical Activities
Eugene Lavretsky, For the development, maturation and transition of robust and adaptive flight control technologies to aerial vehicles and systems.
Control Systems Technology Award
Presented by Jing Sun – Vice President, Technical Activities
Lars Blackmore, Yoshiaki Kuwata, For developing the guidance, navigation and control for the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy reusable rockets
Transition to Practice Award (presented at CCTA22)
Presented by Jing Sun – Vice President, Technical Activities
Giovanni Cherubini, For inventing and developing advanced control technologies for magnetic tape data storage products
CCTA Outstanding Student Paper Award/Best Student Paper Award (presented at CCTA21)
Presented by Thomas Parisini – President, CSS
Outstanding Paper Winners:
Muhammad Aadil Khan, Stanford University (Advisor: Professor Simona Onori), “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Aging Parameters for a Lithium-Ion Battery Cell using Optimal Charging Profiles”, by Muhammad Aadil Khan, Vahid Azimi and Simona Onori
Jairo Viola, University of California, Merced (Advisor: ProfessorYangQuan Chen), “Fractional Order Stochastic Extremum Seeking Control with Dithering Noise for Plasma Impedance Matching”, by Jairo Viola, Derek Hollenbeck, Carlos Rodriguez, and YangQuan Chen
Best Paper Winner:
Davide Marcato, Università Degli Studi di Padova (Advisor: Professor Gian Antonio Susto), “Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection for Particle Accelerators”, by Davide Marcato, Giovanni Arena, Damiano Bortolato, Fabio Gelain, Valentina Martinelli, Enrico
Munaron, Marco Roetta, Giovanni Savarese, and Gian Antonio Susto
Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize
Presented by Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Necmiye Ozay, The University of Michigan, for fundamental contributions to control and identification of hybrid and cyber-physical systems.
Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize
Presented by Anuradha Annaswamy, Past-President, CSS
Pramod P. Khargonekar, University of California, Irvine, for distinguished contributions to control systems, as a researcher, educator, scholar, and leader.
IEEE Fellows for 2021
Presented by Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Fellow: for outstanding contributions to the electrical and electronics engineering profession
Evaluated by CSS
Aaron Ames, for contributions to hybrid and safety-critical nonlinear control with demonstration on robotic systems
Domitilla Del Vecchio, for contributions to circuit engineering in synthetic biology
Hideaki Ishii, for contributions to networked control of large-scale systems
Asuman Ozdaglar, for contributions to distributed multi-agent networks
Gianluigi Pillonetto, for contributions to kernel-based linear system identification
Chunjiang Qian, for contributions to control and estimation of nonlinear systems
Daniel Quevedo, for contributions to optimal and model predictive control
Jacquelien Scherpen, for contributions to nonlinear model reduction and passivity based control
Bruno Sinopoli, for contributions to networked and secure control systems
Nathan Van De Wouw, for contributions to hybrid, data-based and networked control
Evaluated by other Societies
Roberto Oboe Tara Javidi
Jinhua She Mi-ching Tsai
Dong Yue Oriol Gomis Bellmunt
IEEE Control Systems Award
Presented by Kathy Land, IEEE President
Hidenori Kimura, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, and Systems Innovation Center, for contributions to synthesis theory of control systems and its applications to manufacturing devices and systems
Live Portion
CDC Outstanding Student Paper Award/Best Student Paper Award
Presented by Alessandro Giua – Vice President, Conference Activities
Thomas Chaffrey, Cambridge University (Advisor: Rodolphe Sepulchre), “Scaled relative graphs for system analysis,” by Thomas Chaffrey, Fulvio Forni, and Rodolphe Sepulchre
Xin Chen, Harvard University (Advisor: Na Li), “Safe Model-Free Optimal Voltage Control via Continuous-Time Zeroth-Order Methods,” by Xin Chen, Jorge I. Poveda, and Na Li
Jared Miller, Northeastern University (Advisor: Mario Sznaier), “Peak Estimation for Uncertain and Switched Systems,” by Jared Miller, Didier Henrion, Mario Sznaier, and Milan Korda
Alena Rodionova, University of Pennsylvania (Advisor: Manfred Morari), “Time-Robust Control for STL Specifications,” by Alena Rodionova, Lars Lindemann, Manfred Morari and George J. Pappas
2022 Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize
Presented by Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Closing Remarks
Thomas Parisini, President, CS
Control Systems Society Awards
Outstanding Chapter Award
For an outstanding Chapter of the CSS, based on the level of its activities and innovations in promoting new activities and services.
Distinguished Member Award
To recognize significant technical contributions and outstanding long-term service to the CSS by an individual who has been a member of the CSS for at least five years.
Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award
This award is given in honor of Roberto Tempo, 44th President of CSS. The Tempo Award Committee selects the best paper from the previous year’s CDC based on originality, potential impact on any aspect of control theory, technology, or implementation, and for the clarity of writing.
CSm Outstanding Paper Award
For an outstanding article or column published in the IEEE Control Systems magazine during the two calendar years preceding the year of the award, based on impact on and benefit to CSS members.
TCNS Outstanding Paper Award
For an outstanding paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems during the two calendar years preceding the year of the award, based on originality, potential impact on the foundations of network systems, importance and practical significance in applications, and clarity.
TCST Outstanding Paper Award
For an outstanding paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology during the two calendar years preceding the year of the award, based on originality, relevance of the application, clarity of exposition, and demonstrated impact on control systems technology.
George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award
For outstanding papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control during the two calendar years preceding the year of the award, based on originality, clarity, potential impact on the theoretical foundations of control, and practical significance in applications.
Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award
For an outstanding paper published in the IEEE Control Systems Letters during the two calendar years preceding the year of the award, based on originality, potential impact on the theoretical foundations of control, importance and practical significance in applications, and clarity.
Award for Technical Excellence in Aerospace Control
To a person or team of people that performed an aerospace control engineering activity during the previous 36 months that demonstrates excellence and significant results with demonstrated impact.
Control Systems Technology Award
To recognize outstanding contributions to control systems technology either in design and implementation, or in project management. This award may be conferred on an individual or a team.
Transition to Practice Award
To recognize a distinguished contribution for the transition of control and systems theory to practical, industrial, or commercial systems. This award is conferred on an individual. The award is presented at the IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, and the recipient gives a plenary lecture.
Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize
To recognize distinguished cutting-edge contributions by a young researcher to the theory or application of systems and control
Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize
To recognize distinguished contributions to control systems science or engineering. The recipient gives a plenary lecture at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, evaluating a significant contribution to control systems science or engineering.
Outstanding Student Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award
To recognize excellence in a paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, whose primary author is a Student Member of the IEEE.
Awards Program
Opening Remarks
Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Tryphon Georgiou, Chair, Awards Committee
Outstanding Chapter Award
Presented by Maria Di Benedetto – Vice President, Member Activities
IEEE CSS Hungary Chapter – Levente Kovacs, Chair
Distinguished Member Award
Presented by Maria Di Benedetto – Vice President, Member Activities
Bob Bitmead
Sandra Hirche
Masayuki Fujita
Roberto Tempo Best CDC Paper Award
Presented by Alessandro Giua – Vice President, Conference Activities
Mattia Bianchi and Sergio Grammatico, “Fully distributed Nash equilibrium seeking over time-varying networks with linear convergence rate”, presented at the 2020 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Dec. 14-18, 2020
CSm Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Solmaz S. Kia, Bryan Van Scoy, Jorge Cortés, Randy A. Freeman, Kevin M. Lynch, and Sonia Martínez, “Tutorial on Dynamic Average Consensus: The Problem, Its Applications, and the Algorithms”, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 39, No. 3, pages 40-72,
June 2019.
TCNS Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Ivano Notarnicola and Giuseppe Notarstefano, “Constraint-Coupled Distributed Optimization: A Relaxation and Duality Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, pages 483-492, March 2020
TCST Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Paulo Paz, Tiago Roux Oliveira, Alexandre Visintainer Pino, Ana Paula Fontana, “Model-Free Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation by Stochastic Extremum Seeking”, IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 28, No. 01, pages 238-253, January 2020.
George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Yuh-Shyang Wang, Nikolai Matni, and John C. Doyle, “A System-level Approach to Controller Synthesis," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 64, No. 10, pages 4079 - 4093, October 2019.
Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award
Presented by Andrew Alleyne – Vice President, Publication Activities
Henk J. van Waarde, Claudio De Persis, M. Kanat Camlibel, and Pietro Tesi, “Willems’ Fundamental Lemma for State-Space Systems and Its Extension to Multiple Datasets", Vol. 4, No. 3, pages 602-607, July 2020
Award for Technical Excellence in Aerospace Control
Presented by Jing Sun – Vice President, Technical Activities
Eugene Lavretsky, For the development, maturation and transition of robust and adaptive flight control technologies to aerial vehicles and systems.
Control Systems Technology Award
Presented by Jing Sun – Vice President, Technical Activities
Lars Blackmore, Yoshiaki Kuwata, For developing the guidance, navigation and control for the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy reusable rockets
Transition to Practice Award (presented at CCTA22)
Presented by Jing Sun – Vice President, Technical Activities
Giovanni Cherubini, For inventing and developing advanced control technologies for magnetic tape data storage products
CCTA Outstanding Student Paper Award/Best Student Paper Award (presented at CCTA21)
Presented by Thomas Parisini – President, CSS
Outstanding Paper Winners:
Muhammad Aadil Khan, Stanford University (Advisor: Professor Simona Onori), “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Aging Parameters for a Lithium-Ion Battery Cell using Optimal Charging Profiles”, by Muhammad Aadil Khan, Vahid Azimi and Simona Onori
Jairo Viola, University of California, Merced (Advisor: ProfessorYangQuan Chen), “Fractional Order Stochastic Extremum Seeking Control with Dithering Noise for Plasma Impedance Matching”, by Jairo Viola, Derek Hollenbeck, Carlos Rodriguez, and YangQuan Chen
Best Paper Winner:
Davide Marcato, Università Degli Studi di Padova (Advisor: Professor Gian Antonio Susto), “Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection for Particle Accelerators”, by Davide Marcato, Giovanni Arena, Damiano Bortolato, Fabio Gelain, Valentina Martinelli, Enrico
Munaron, Marco Roetta, Giovanni Savarese, and Gian Antonio Susto
Antonio Ruberti Young Researcher Prize
Presented by Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Necmiye Ozay, The University of Michigan, for fundamental contributions to control and identification of hybrid and cyber-physical systems.
Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize
Presented by Anuradha Annaswamy, Past-President, CSS
Pramod P. Khargonekar, University of California, Irvine, for distinguished contributions to control systems, as a researcher, educator, scholar, and leader.
IEEE Awards
IEEE Fellows for 2021
Presented by Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Fellow: for outstanding contributions to the electrical and electronics engineering profession
Evaluated by CSS
Aaron Ames, for contributions to hybrid and safety-critical nonlinear control with demonstration on robotic systems
Domitilla Del Vecchio, for contributions to circuit engineering in synthetic biology
Hideaki Ishii, for contributions to networked control of large-scale systems
Asuman Ozdaglar, for contributions to distributed multi-agent networks
Gianluigi Pillonetto, for contributions to kernel-based linear system identification
Chunjiang Qian, for contributions to control and estimation of nonlinear systems
Daniel Quevedo, for contributions to optimal and model predictive control
Jacquelien Scherpen, for contributions to nonlinear model reduction and passivity based control
Bruno Sinopoli, for contributions to networked and secure control systems
Nathan Van De Wouw, for contributions to hybrid, data-based and networked control
Evaluated by other Societies
Roberto Oboe Tara Javidi
Jinhua She Mi-ching Tsai
Dong Yue Oriol Gomis Bellmunt
IEEE Control Systems Award
Presented by Kathy Land, IEEE President
Hidenori Kimura, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, and Systems Innovation Center, for contributions to synthesis theory of control systems and its applications to manufacturing devices and systems
Live Portion
CDC Outstanding Student Paper Award/Best Student Paper Award
Presented by Alessandro Giua – Vice President, Conference Activities
Thomas Chaffrey, Cambridge University (Advisor: Rodolphe Sepulchre), “Scaled relative graphs for system analysis,” by Thomas Chaffrey, Fulvio Forni, and Rodolphe Sepulchre
Xin Chen, Harvard University (Advisor: Na Li), “Safe Model-Free Optimal Voltage Control via Continuous-Time Zeroth-Order Methods,” by Xin Chen, Jorge I. Poveda, and Na Li
Jared Miller, Northeastern University (Advisor: Mario Sznaier), “Peak Estimation for Uncertain and Switched Systems,” by Jared Miller, Didier Henrion, Mario Sznaier, and Milan Korda
Alena Rodionova, University of Pennsylvania (Advisor: Manfred Morari), “Time-Robust Control for STL Specifications,” by Alena Rodionova, Lars Lindemann, Manfred Morari and George J. Pappas
2022 Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize
Presented by Thomas Parisini, President, CSS
Closing Remarks
Thomas Parisini, President, CS