Steven H. Gold


Dr. Steven H. Gold received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Maryland in 1978, and joined the Naval Research Laboratory, where he worked until his retirement in 2015 as the Senior Research Scientist for Radiation Generation Physics in the Beam Physics Branch. His research interests include high power microwave sources, advanced accelerator R&D, and free-electron lasers. He served three 3-year terms on the Executive Committee of the NPSS Plasma Science and Applications Committee, including two years as Vice Chair, and the past 22 years as Secretary of PSAC. He was also Technical Chair of ICOPS 2011 in Chicago and Financial Chair of ICOPS 2014 in Washington DC, and served for 20 years, 1988-2007, as an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. In addition, he served three 4-year terms representing PSAC on the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, and has served on the NPSS AdCom for the past 19 years. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and the American Physical Society, and received the 2008 Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award "for outstanding contributions to the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society and its Plasma Science and Applications Technical Committee."


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