Cybersecurity and Privacy in Future Networks: Challenges and Opportunities

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#5G #6G #Future Networks #Security #Cybersecurity

The digital transformation brought by 5G is redefining current models of end-to-end (E2E) connectivity and service reliability to include security-by-design principles. These principles highlight the importance of embedding security capabilities from the very beginning while 5G architecture is being defined and standardized. Achieving 5G trustworthiness through such approaches is necessary to enable 5G to achieve its promise. Security requirements need to overlay and permeate through the physical, network, transport, and application layers of 5G systems, as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture, within a risk management framework that takes into account the evolving security threats landscape. The IEEE Future Networks Initiative (FNI) security Working Group’s Roadmap follows a taxonomic structure, differentiating 5G security functional pillars compared to previous generations, and corresponding cybersecurity risks. In this webinar we expand on 5G security challenges and opportunities, focus on two specific security domains to highlight the risks, and finally provide a summary of the FNI Security working group activities.

