Automated Driving: What's Next? - Seval Oz, Fog World Congress 2017

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#IEEE #ComSoc #Fog World Congress #FogWorld #OpenFog #future #technology #communications #wireless #computing #accessible #Seval Oz #Aurima #automation #automated vehicles #selfdriving cars #smart cities #big data #convergence #rolling sensors #infrastructure #mobility #disruption

Seval Oz, CEO of Aurima, talks about what’s missing in today’s vehicle automation landscape and what we need to implement for self-driving cars in the very near future. Oz discusses the mindset of transportation as utility when considering smart cities, big data and automated vehicles. The convergence of technology, behavior and new business models are driving the change necessary to build tomorrow’s accessible computing.

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Seval Oz, CEO of Aurima, talks about what’s missing in today’s vehicle automation landscape and what we need to implement for self-driving cars in the very near future. Oz discusses the mindset of transportation as utility when considering smart cities, big data and automated vehicles.

