Big Data Panelist - AJ Bubb: 2016 Technology Time Machine

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#IEEE #technology #time #machine #technology time machine #conference #event #computers #computing #big data #solutions #aj bubb #accenture #wearables #wearable #communications #society #panel #2016

AJ Bubb, US lead for Accenture’s Wearables and Internet of Things Practices, discusses the connected landscape of wearable technology and how society is reacting to all the new ideas and devices. Due to constant changes in consumer expectations versus the technological advancements, Bubb inquires on the management strategy of the big data associated with wearables. 

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AJ Bubb, US lead for Accenture’s Wearables and Internet of Things Practices, discusses the connected landscape of wearable technology and how society is reacting to all the new ideas and devices. Due to constant changes in consumer expectations versus the technological advancements, Bubb inquires on the management strategy of the big data associated with wearables. 

