2024 Brooklyn 6G Summit
This year’s event theme: “6G – From vision to action”, focused on 6G topics, including the role of AI/ML, new mid-band spectrum and its ability to support new services, Integration of Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks and Trust, Security and Resilience, to name just a few. There were also be demonstrations of the most promising 6G technologies that you can experience firsthand.
The Brooklyn 6G Summit is the world’s flagship event for 6G innovation, hosted each year by Nokia and NYU. 6G will seamlessly fuse the digital, physical and human worlds, redefining how we live, work and take care of our planet. The Brooklyn Summit is widely valued in technology circles for the technical insight and global perspective it brings to the next-generation of networking.
This year, the Summit will welcome 250 in person and nearly 1000 attendees online via IEEE.tv from around the globe, representing vendors, academia, operators, regulators and experts from multiple industries.
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