Highlights from the "Industry Summit on Future of Computing" - Bruce Kraemer - ICRC San Mateo, 2019

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#IEEE #Industry Summit #ICRC #IRDS #Rebooting Computing #quantum computing #startup #future computing #artificial intelligence #memory #storage

Chair Bruce Kraemer briefly reviews the talks and key takeaways from the 2019 IEEE Industry Summit on the Future of Computing, during Day 1 of ICRC. Divided into four parts, Kraemer notes the topics discussed among the sections dedicated to quantum computing, computing startups, AI, and memory/storage.

Visit the website https://rebootingcomputing.ieee.org/rebooting-computing-week/industrycomputingsummit for more information about the Industry Summit speakers and presentations. 

Chair Bruce Kraemer briefly reviews the talks and key takeaways from the 2019 IEEE Industry Summit on the Future of Computing, during Day 1 of ICRC. Divided into four parts, Kraemer notes the topics discussed among the sections dedicated to quantum computing, computing startups, AI, and memory/storage.

