A 16.2Gbps 60GHz SiGe Transmitter for Outdoor Wireless Links: RFIC Interactive Forum
A 16.2Gbps 60GHz SiGe Transmitter for Outdoor Wireless Links
B. Sheinman1 , E. Bloch1 , N. Mazor1 , R. Levinger1 , R. Ben-Yishay1 , O. Katz1 , R. Carmon1 , A. Golberg2 , J. Vovnoboy1 , A. Bruetbart2 , M. Rachman2 , D. Elad1 ; 1 IBM, Israel, 2 Tadiad, Israel
Abstract: A fully integrated 60 GHz transmitter in 130 nm BiCMOS SiGe technology for outdoor applications is presented. The transmitter covers the entire 57–66 GHz band supporting a record data rate of 16.2 Gbps at 6 dBm output power, 512 QAM with an EVM of -34 dB. The single ended saturated power, OP1dB, and OIP3 are above 18 dBm, 16 dBm and 23 dBm respectively. The transmitter meets the most stringent ETSI emission mask for point-to-point communication at class6LB, 500 MHz bandwidth with an output noise floor below -133 dBm/Hz. The area of the transmitter is 15 mm2 and it consumes 1.2 W.
A 16.2Gbps 60GHz SiGe Transmitter for Outdoor Wireless Links
B. Sheinman1 , E. Bloch1 , N. Mazor1 , R. Levinger1 , R. Ben-Yishay1 , O. Katz1 , R. Carmon1 , A. Golberg2 , J. Vovnoboy1 , A. Bruetbart2 , M. Rachman2 , D. Elad1 ; 1 IBM, Israel, 2 Tadiad, Israel