IMPASS: Intelligent Mobility Platform with Active Spoke System

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#Dennis Hong #J. Blake Jeans #Field Robots #Mechanism Design #Legged Robots and Humanoid Locomotion #IMPASS Intelligent Mobility Platform with Active Spoke System #rimless spoke wheels #intelligent motion planning #rough terrain locomotion #dynamic surface locomotion

IMPASS (Intelligent Mobility Platform with Active Spoke System) is a mobile robot driven by two rimless spoke wheels. Each of the spokes can be individually actuated with intelligent motion planning to walk over uneven terrain with high mobility, essentially combining the efficiency of a wheeled robot and the mobility of a legged robot. This video presents an overview of the system concept with examples and demonstrations of its unique mobility. Beginning with an overview of the system concept and hardware, the video then demonstrates the different mobility advantages. These include rough terrain locomotion, dynamic surface locomotion, and large step climbing.

This video presents an overview of the IMPASS (Intelligent Mobility Platform with Active Spoke System) mobile robot driven by two rimless spoke wheels. Beginning with an overview of the system concept and hardware, the video then demonstrates the different mobility advantages. These include rough terrain locomotion, dynamic surface locomotion, and large step climbing.

