IMS 2015: Eugene Lauria - John Tucker Special Tribute - ALMA Band 9 Receiver Design and Performance
Join us for a Special tribute Session honoring Prof. John R. Tucker at IMS 2015
Presented by Eugene Lauria
The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is a collaboration between Europe, North America, and Japan to build an aperture synthesis telescope with more than 50 12-m antennas at 5000 m altitude in Chile. ALMA Band 9, covering 602-720 GHz, is the highest frequency band in the baseline ALMA project and will thus offer the telescopes highest spatial resolutions. This paper describes the design of the ALMA Band 9 receiver cartridges and design of mixers based on J.R. Tucker theory. Eugene Lauria discusses his thoughts on John Tucker and his large influence in the technology world at the 2015 International Microwave Symposium in Phoenix Arizona.
Join us for a Special tribute Session honoring Prof. John R. Tucker at IMS 2015
Presented by Eugene Lauria