Keynote Address Dr. Robert Scully - EMC 2016

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#IEEE #EMC #Electromagnetic #Compatibility #Society #2016 #bob scully #past president #IEEE Fellow #Keynote #Symposium #engineering

IEEE Fellow and EMCS Immediate Past President Dr. Robert (Bob) Scully, introduced by 2017 General Chair Kris Hatashita, delivers a factual, motivational welcome speech for the 2016 IEEE EMC Symposium in Ottowa, Canada. Dr. Scully encourages engineers to make the world a better place through their work and continually adapt to their ever-evolving disciplines. 

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IEEE Fellow and EMCS Immediate Past President Dr. Robert (Bob) Scully, introduced by 2017 General Chair Kris Hatashita, delivers a factual, motivational welcome speech for the 2016 IEEE EMC Symposium in Ottowa, Canada. Dr. Scully encourages engineers to make the world a better place through their work and continually adapt to their ever-evolving disciplines. 

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