Lightning Talk On Regional Status, Technologies And The Unconnected - Global Connect Stakeholders: Advancing Solutions

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Connecting the unconnected will require collective innovation and a range of potential solutions, but these solutions can vary among geographic regions. Panelists address the geographic and technical solutions landscape to supply affordable access and connectivity.

 Speakers include Suhas Subramanyam (facilitator), Special Assistant for Technology Policy, The White House; Dr. Eric Brewer, VP Infrastructure, Google and Professor, UC Berkeley;

Steve Huter, Director, Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC); Dr. Nathan Johnson, Assistant Professor in The Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University; Dilip Krishnaswamy, Senior Research Scientist at IBM Research; Samia Melhem, Lead Policy Officer at the Transport and ICT Global Practice, World Bank; John Ryan, CEO/Founder, WiretheWorld; and Christopher Yoo, University of Pennsylvania Law School.

 Presented at Global Connect Stakeholders: Advancing Solutions, held by IEEE in conjunction with the World Bank in Washington, D.C., on 13 April, 2016, as a pre-event to the 14 April Global Connect Initiative High Level meeting. Learn more about this event at

Connecting the unconnected will require collective innovation and a range of potential solutions, but these solutions can vary among geographic regions. Panelists address the geographic and technical solutions landscape to supply affordable access and connectivity.


