Panel: Edge Cloud Computing, Private Networks & Slicing - B5GS 2019

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#Brooklyn 5G Summit #2019 #B5GS #5G #Future Networks #live stream #panel #mobile #internet #radio #communications #networking #panel #edge cloud computing #private networks #NPNs #network slicing #5G verticals #enterprise #business #mobile infrastructure #edge #network security

Panel moderator Andreas Mueller, Bosch, introduces the panelists Geetha Ram (HPE), Hans Schotten (University of Kaiserslautern), Dr. Simone Redana (Nokia Bell Labs), Michael Thelander (Signals Research Group), and Edmund Yeh (Northeastern University). Mueller drives the discussion starting with private and non-public networks, regulations, potential threats, and the overall economics of 5G vertical markets. Speakers also answer questions from the B5GS audience.

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Panel moderator Andreas Mueller, Bosch, introduces the panelists Geetha Ram (HPE), Hans Schotten (University of Kaiserslautern), Dr. Simone Redana (Nokia Bell Labs), Michael Thelander (Signals Research Group), and Edmund Yeh (Northeastern University). Mueller drives the discussion starting with private and non-public networks, regulations, potential threats, and the overall economics of 5G vertical markets. Speakers also answer questions from the B5GS audience.

