Challenges in the Developing Smart Grid: Chuck Adams

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#smart grid #world forum #2011 #beijing #chuck adams #ieee #standards association #power engineering #smart grid #standards #systems #challenges

While at the 2011 Smart Grid World Forum, recent IEEE Standards Association president Chuck Adams shared insights on some of the unique processes and challenges that are and will be part of Smart Grid development over the next decades. The system of systems that is Smart Grid will require a new paradigm in standards development, an open consensus process involving Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) the world over. The current challenge is to move technologies to the marketplace expeditiously, a transition requiring not only that SDOs work together to ensure standards are ready and available, but also that key participants including utilities and consumers understand and are ready to make this move.

While at the 2011 Smart Grid World Forum, recent IEEE Standards Association president Chuck Adams shared insights on some of the unique processes and challenges that are and will be part of Smart Grid development over the next decades.

