A Conversation About the Social and Personal Impacts of AI: IEEE TechEthics Interview

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About the Talk: In these interviews, speakers discuss how an interdisciplinary approach is needed when addressing key social and personal impacts of artificial intelligence.

About the Speakers:

Sara R. Jordan is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Public Administration and Policy at Virginia Tech. Her research touches on issues of ethics in public policy, particularly areas of high technology policy and research policy. Her previous work appears in Accountability in Research, Public Performance and Management Review, and Administration & Society. She is currently working on issues surrounding ethical participation in e-government and public policy responses to high-technology innovations, such as autonomous vehicles and integrated biospecimen repositories.

Mary Ward-Callan is the Staff Executive at the IEEE responsible for the strategic and operational leadership of the IEEE Technical Communities within the IEEE and of the Conferences Line of Operations. The 47 Technical Societies and Councils, and numerous emerging technical communities collectively deliver more than 1800 conferences, 192 periodicals, countless technical training seminars, and certificate programs. Mary has been responsible for the programming and visibility of new technology areas within the IEEE, such as Internet of Things, Software Defined Networks, Rebooting Computing, 5G, and Big Data. Mary led the Award winning IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge; a project that used solid engineering techniques to provide solutions to pressing world problems such as lighting Haiti/Africa/Nicaragua, providing data communications to healthcare facilities in Peru, and providing RFID patient identification in India.

About the Talk: In these interviews, speakers discuss how an interdisciplinary approach is needed when addressing key social and personal impacts of artificial intelligence.

About the Speakers:

Sara R. Jordan is an...

Speakers in this video

