The 3 Rs of 5G: Risk, Reward & Responsibility | IEEE TechEthics Virtual Panel

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About the Video: Poised to become deployed on a wide-scale basis, 5G is ushering in the future of communication. This panel discusses the rewards and risks of this potentially disruptive technology, as well as the responsibility for managing both.

About the Panelists:
Eman Hammad is the co-chair of the IEEE Security working group for the International Network Generations Roadmap (INGR), FNI's technology roadmap project. She works as an Industrial & IoT Security Specialist with the Cybersecurity & Privacy team at PwC Canada. Eman combines practical experience and theoretical research to shape her vision for resilient-by-design solutions in the connected world. Eman's work focuses on how a deeper understanding of interactions between critical physical systems and enabling technologies can help design new classes of operational solutions that are more resilient to cyber/physical disruptions. Eman obtained her PhD in cyber security and resilience of smart grid systems from the University of Toronto in 2018. She has published 48 peer reviewed articles in highly ranked journals and conferences. Her research has been recognized with merit awards and has been featured on the Smart Cybersecurity Network. Eman has been an active volunteer with IEEE and is currently serving as the chair for IEEE Toronto Communication Society. Her service has been recognized by IEEE chapter achievement and exemplary service awards.

David Witkowski is an author, advisor, and strategist focused on the wireless and telecommunications industry. After serving in the U.S. Coast Guard and earning his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, he held managerial and leadership roles for companies ranging from Fortune 500 multi-nationals to early-stage startups. David is the Founder & CEO of Oku Solutions LLC ( and serves as the Executive Director of Civic Technology Initiatives at Joint Venture Silicon Valley. He also serves as Co-Chair of the Deployment Working Group at IEEE Future Networks, Co-Chair of the GCTC Wireless SuperCluster at NIST, on the Board of Expert Advisors for the California Emerging Technology Fund, and is a Senior Member in both the IEEE and the Radio Club of America.

Mark A. Vasquez (moderator) is a Certified Association Executive (CAE) with over 25 years of experience in association management at IEEE. He serves as the program manager for IEEE TechEthics, a program that drives conversations about the ethical and societal impacts of technology. In this capacity, he works to develop relationships with others in the technology ethics community, produces events, convenes thought leaders, and more. Mark is an engineering graduate of The Cooper Union.

Recorded on 19 March 2020 as part of the IEEE TechEthics Conversations Series. Produced in collaboration with the IEEE Future Networks Initiative.

About the Video: Poised to become deployed on a wide-scale basis, 5G is ushering in the future of communication. This panel discusses the rewards and risks of this potentially disruptive technology, as well as the responsibility for managing both.

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