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#EEE Xtreme 17.0, Sairam Institutions, Competitive Coding Challenge, Leadership, Innovation,

Sairam Institutions hosted IEEE Xtreme 17.0, a thrilling competitive coding challenge with 1332 student members

The IEEE Xtreme 17.0, a competitive coding challenge, took place at Sairam Institutions from October 28th, 5:30 AM IST to October 29th, 5:30 AM IST. It was an event filled with innovation, problem-solving, and spirited participation, and we are thrilled to share the success story of Sairam Institutions in this prestigious competition. Among the various achievements, Sairam Institutions proudly secured the 1st and 3rd ranks in terms of the highest number of registrations. A remarkable feat, with 1332 student registrations, speaks volumes about the enthusiasm and dedication of our students. This outstanding accomplishment wouldn't have been possible without the vision, guidance, and unwavering support of our esteemed leaders. A heartfelt thanks to our CEO and Chairman, Dr. Sai Prakash Leo Muthu, whose guidance has been instrumental in steering our institution towards excellence. Furthermore, the support and involvement of our Principal and Chairman of the Madras section, Dr. K. Porkumaran, have been pivotal in fostering an environment that encourages such achievements. The event was graced by the esteemed presence of our guest of honor, Dr. Preeti Bajaj, whose expertise and insights added immense value to the event, inspiring and motivating all the participants. Sairam Institutions takes immense pride in the success achieved at the IEEE Xtreme 17.0, a testament to the dedication, hard work, and collaborative spirit of our students and the unwavering support of our leadership. It's a moment of celebration and encouragement, inspiring us to aim even higher and achieve greater milestones in the realm of technology and innovation.

Sairam Institutions hosted IEEE Xtreme 17.0, a thrilling competitive coding challenge with 1332 student members

