3 Gravitational Wave Antennas - IEEE Milestone Ceremony
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Welcome, and Background of IEEE and IEEE Milestones
Brian Berg: IEEE Region 6 History Chair; IEEE History Committee member; Consultant, Berg Software Design
Dr. K.J. Ray Liu: IEEE President-Elect; Professor, Univ. of Maryland, College Park
Government Dignitary Comments
The Honorable Jay Inslee: Governor, State of Washington
The Honorable Billy Nungesser, Lieutenant Governor, State of Louisiana
Dr. Gaetano Manfredi: Italian Minister of University and Research
US (LIGO) & European (Virgo) Funding Agency Perspectives
The Honorable Dr. Sethuraman Panchanathan: Director, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Dr. Antoine Petit: Chairman and CEO, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Dr. Antonio Zoccoli: President, Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Miriam Luizink: Director, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Nobel Laureates' Conversation
Intro: Katherine "Kate" J. Duncan: President, IEEE-USA
Conversation Leader: Richard Abbott: Lead Engineer, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/LIGO
Dr. Rainer Weiss: Professor Emeritus, MIT
Dr. Barry C. Barish: The Ronald and Maxine Linde Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Caltech; Professor, UC Riverside
Dr. Kip S. Thorne: The Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus, Caltech
Historical and Collaborative Perspectives
Dr. Antonio Luque: IEEE Region 8 Director; Professor, Univ. of Seville, SPAIN
Dr. Catherine-Nary Man: CNRS Director of Research Emeritus; Virgo Instrumentation Specialist
Dr. Jean-Yves Vinet: CNRS Director of Research; Virgo Spokesperson (2011-2014)
Dr. Takaaki Kajita: Nobel Laureate; Principal Investigator, KAGRA Detector; President, Science Council of JAPAN
Concluding Remarks
Dr. Dave Reitze: Executive Director of LIGO Laboratory (Caltech); Professor, Caltech; Professor, Univ. of Florida
A "Visit" to each Observatory, and Milestone Plaque Unveilings
LIGO in Livingston, Louisiana USA
Dr. Joseph Giaime: Head, LIGO Livingston Observatory; Professor, LSU
LIGO in Hanford, Washington USA
Dr. Michael Landry: Head, LIGO Hanford Observatory
Virgo in Cascina (Pisa), Tuscany ITALY
Dr. Stavros Katsanevas: Director, European Gravitational Observatory (EGO); Professor, Univ. of Paris, FRANCE
Dr. Bernardo Tellini: Chair, IEEE Italy Section; Professor, Univ. of Pisa, ITALY
Dr. Giovanni Losurdo: Virgo Spokesperson; former Advanced Virgo Project Leader; Research Director, Italian INFN
Credits and Acknowledgments
Core Program Planning Team
- Brian Berg: President, Berg Software Design
- Will Robinson: VP of Government Relations, IEEE-USA
- Rich Abbott: Lead Engineer, Caltech
- Bernardo Tellini: Full Professor, Università di Pisa
- Matt Francis: Founder and President, Ozark IC
IEEE Officers
Francis Grosz: Region 5 Immediate Past Director
Matt Francis: Region 5 East Area Chair
Zafar Taqvi: Region 5 History Chair
Don Couvillion: Baton Rouge Section Chair
Seth Chandler: Baton Rouge Section Treasurer
Chan Wong: New Orleans Section Chair
Brian Berg: Region 6 History Chair and Milestone Coordinator; Member, History Committee; Director, IEEE-CNSV
Leo Fifield: Richland Section Chair
Michael Wood: Richland Section Immediate Past Chair
- David McKinnon: Richland Section Past Chair
- Evelyn Hirt: IEEE-USA Past President
Vincenzo Piuri: Region 8 Director-Elect; Full Professor, Università Degli Studi di Milano
Bernardo Tellini: Italy Section Chair
Tiziana Tambosso: Italy Section Immediate Past Chair
Antonio Savini: Italy Section History Committee Coordinator; Emeritus Professor, Università di Pavia
IEEE-USA's Videography and Speaker Recruitment Team
- Jonathon Choe: Social Media Associate
- Corey Ruth: Media Relations Associate
- Aline McNaull: Senior Legislative Representative in Government Relations
Special Thanks
- Joyce Avery, Webmaster
- Dave Bart: IEEE History Committee Advocate for the Gravitational-Wave Antenna Milestone Proposal
- Stavros Katsanevas: Director, European Gravitational Observatory (EGO); Professor (Exceptional Class), Université de Paris
- Vincenzo Napolano: Communication Responsible, European Gravitational Observatory (EGO)
- Sheree Wen: Founder and President, UNESCO Washington State Center
- Livingston, Louisiana Mayor Jonathan "JT" Taylor: Proclamation