GHTC 2012 - Peter Staecker Keynote

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#GHTC #EMBS #Conferences #IEEE #Global Humanitarian Technology Challenge #

Peter Staecker holds BS and EE degrees from MIT, and MS and PhD degrees from Polytechnic University. His professional career started in 1972 at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, where he developed microwave design and test techniques for satellite communications. In 1986 he joined M/A-COM, where he led program, product and process development, then helped the company's transition from defense to commercial markets. During this period he also established strong ties with US and European universities and with research organizations. He retired from M/A-COM as Director of Research & Development. Staecker served industry and government on manufacturing and advisory panels, and is consulting editor to Microwave Journal. Staecker is Past- President and Honorary Life Member of the MTT Society, and is an IEEE Life Fellow. His 28-year service to IEEE includes leadership roles in Finance, Strategic Planning, Publications, and Membership. He has served on the IEEE Board of Directors for five years.

Peter Steacker, 2012 IEEE President-Elect gives a keynote address at the 2012 GHTC

