IEEEXtreme 9.0

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Register for IEEEXtreme

IEEEXtreme Programming Challenge. No Travel Required, Just Brain Power, Stamina & Your Favorite Energy Drink. Only IEEE student members can compete.

IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members, supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.

IEEEXtreme 9.0 begins 24 October 2015 00:00:00 UTC. Registration will be open between 17 August 2015 and 12 October 2015; return to this site then for the registration link.

If you are a great programmer, or know a great programmer, who is not yet a member, have them join IEEE today. Students can join both IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society and receive access to the Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) for only US$40. . . . join IEEE today.


Register for IEEEXtreme

IEEEXtreme Programming Challenge. No Travel Required, Just Brain Power, Stamina & Your Favorite Energy Drink. Only IEEE student members can compete.

