Dr. Osama Shanaa
Osama Shanaa (IEEE S’94, M’01, SM’03) is a Senior RFIC Design Director at MediaTek USA since 2008, where he is responsible for the development of various CMOS RF SoC products for both cellular and connectivity, generating multi-billion dollars in annual revenues. He also works as an Associate Adjunct Professor with the Electrical Engineering Dept. at the Univ. of California, Berkeley. He received his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering with high honors from Univ. of Jordan in 1992, the M.S.EE degress from Portland State University in 1996 and the Ph.D. degress in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2001. Prior to joining MediaTek, he held various IC design positions at Radio Comm. Corp., National Semiconductor, and Maxim Integrated Products, where he led many successful RF wireless products. Dr. Shanaa is a Fulbrigh scholar, a member of the Etta Kappa Nu honor society and is a senior member of the IEEE. He served for many years on both Technical Program and Steering Committees of the IEEE RFIC Symp aand was its General Chair in 2022. Dr. Shanaa is a former Assoc. Editor of the IEEE T-MTT as well as Guest Editor for the IEEE JSSCC. He served as as Distinguised Lecturer for the IEEE SSCS between 2015-2017. He received the Innovation Award from MediaTek twice with over 21 issues patents and several others pending. He is the receipient of the ISSCC outstanding technical paper award in 2020.