Q&A with Dejan Milojicic: IEEE Rebooting Computing Podcast, Episode 9

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#IEEE #Rebooting Computing #IEEE Rebooting Computing #Podcast #Technology #Computing #Moores Law #

Episode 9: Q&A with Dejan Milojicic, IEEE Rebooting Computing Co-chair and Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs.

With uncertainty surrounding the approach of Moore's Law, members of academia, industry and the government are exploring innovations and collaborating on the development of solutions to advance the computing world towards a new future. In this podcast, IEEE Rebooting Computing Co-chair, Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs, and IEEE Fellow Dejan Milojicic shares his 360-degree view on Rebooting Computing. While much focus has been on new hardware, Dejan shares his insights on how software also needs to address programmability, as well leverage performance optimization and enable virtualization and security as we move beyond Moore's Law.

Episode 9: Q&A with Dejan Milojicic, IEEE Rebooting Computing Co-chair and Distinguished Technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs.

