The EU Human Brain Project - A Systematic Path from Data to Synthesis
The Human Brain Project in Europe joins 80 research groups in an unprecedented effort to understand function and dysfunction of the human brain and to design and materialize brain derived computing architectures. The novelty of the HBP approach lies in the consistent use of ICT based methods to aggregate neuroscience and medical data, to perform closed-loop brain simulations on high performance supercomputers and to build and operate non-von Neumann computer architectures systematically derived from biological knowledge. The lecture will provide an overview of the project objectives and present first results from simulations and neuromorphic emulation experiments in HBP.
The Human Brain Project in Europe joins 80 research groups in an unprecedented effort to understand function and dysfunction of the human brain and to design and materialize brain derived computing architectures. The novelty of the HBP approach lies in the consistent use of ICT based methods to aggregate neuroscience and medical data, to perform closed-loop brain simulations on high performance supercomputers and to build and operate non-von Neumann computer architectures systematically derived from biological knowledge. The lecture will provide an overview of the project objectives and present first results from simulations and neuromorphic emulation experiments in HBP.