Burrus Discussion Activity - BoD Retreat 2024

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McKinley and Daniel Burrus direct the participants to different areas of
the room to participate in one of the following discussions:
- Based on the three Hard Trend Categories (Emerging Technology, Demographics, and Regulations) mentioned by Burrus, groups will select a Hard Trend based on a future fact that will impact the member/customer and list a related actionable IEEE opportunity. Put the Hard Trend and related opportunity on a post-it note and affix it to the wall.
- Participants focus on technology by selecting one of the 25 Technology Hard Trends on the “25 Technology Trend Handout.” They identify an opportunity for IEEE’s positive impact, jot it down on a post-it, and affix it to the wall. Note: Technology-driven trends will be provided in advance as part of the pre-work.
- Groups rotate to build on the work of the previous group.
- Near the end of the breakout, all participants are encouraged to identify and mark the trend-driven opportunities with the highest potential positive impact. Following this, individuals may be invited to share their selections and provide reasoning for their choices.