Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (Member Access)
This video highlights parts from an IEEE Electric Ship Technology Symposium, and goes in depth to explain how Electronic Ship Technology is changing ship building, ship navigation and ship management. This program offers electric ship technology diagrams, explainations in how these technologies work, what the benfits of electric ship technologies are, and also interviews representatives from industry, government, and academic institutions, on electric ship design challenges. This video includes interviews by Rick Hepburn, Gnosys Inc, and President of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Moni Islam, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Department of Research and Development, Roger Dugal, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of South Carolina, Noel Schultz, Mississippi State University Department of Computer Science and and Electrical Engineering, Yuri Kershonsky, California based consultant and Technical Chair of the Electric Ship Technology Conference, and Terry Eriksen, Program Officer at Office of US Naval Research, covering the use of DC Power, power electronics, high voltages, ship life span, reconfiguration and survivability, virtual prototyping, standard process, and new opportunities in electric ship technology.
From the cruise ship to the war ship, new electric ship technologies are changing the way ships function. Electric Ship technologies are making ships faster, quieter, and more fuel efficient. This video highlights parts from an IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium and goes in depth to explain Electronic Ship Technology.