In this short segment of 2014's Sections Congress "Ignite!" sessions, Dan Toland discusses engaging with members of the IEEE community. IEEE Sections Congress, held every three years since 1984, provides IEEE Section leadership with a priceless opportunity to impact the future of IEEE. Dan is responsible for the promotion, management, and day-to-day operations of the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus program. He works collaboratively with volunteers including but not limited to: PES VP of Education, PES Scholarship Plus Executive Advisory Council, as well as the Regional Scholarship Committees to achieve Scholarship program objectives. He manages and maintains the Scholarship Award and Career Experience master schedule and plan. Additionally, he provides coordination and assists the IEEE Foundation and Development Office staff on fundraising initiatives in support of the program.
In this short segment of 2014's Sections Congress "Ignite!" sessions, Dan Toland discusses engaging with members of the IEEE community.