Electric-field Bit Write-in for Molecular Quantum-dot Cellular Automata - Enrique Blair - ICRC 2018

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#IEEE #ICRC #Rebooting Computing #2018 #conference #event #computing #technology #quantum computing #circuits #devices #QCA #bit writein #quantum dots #electric field #lowpower #computation

Enrique (Erik) Blair, Baylor University, presents his collaborative work on quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) and starts off with the motivation behind it. Blair gives an overview of the technical aspects of QCA, its challenges and the role of bit write-in when creating circuits and devices.

Enrique (Erik) Blair, Baylor University, presents his collaborative work on quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) and starts off with the motivation behind it. Blair gives an overview of the technical aspects of QCA, its challenges and the role of bit write-in when creating circuits and devices.

