Pushing the Bandwidth Limits With New Spectrum: How Much Is Enough? - Panel from NIWeek 5G Summit
mmWave has brought the 10 Gb/s KPI for 5G into sight, but many unknowns still cloud its future for mobility applications. The industry has some quick decisions to make regarding frequencies, bandwidths, and numerologies. Learn how service providers, semiconductor manufacturers, and leading academic researchers are pushing the technology forward as it’s vetted for standardization. Moderated by Sarah Yost (Product Marketing Manager, National Instruments), panelists include Arun Ghosh (AT&T), Andy Molisch (University of Southern California), Bob Daniels (PHAZR), Michael Ha (FCC), and Jerry Pi (Straight Path Communications). Recorded at the NIWeek 5G Summit 2016.
mmWave has brought the 10 Gb/s KPI for 5G into sight, but many unknowns still cloud its future for mobility applications. The industry has some quick decisions to make regarding frequencies, bandwidths, and numerologies. Learn how service providers, semiconductor manufacturers, and leading academic researchers are pushing the technology forward as it’s vetted for standardization.