Lin Yi
Dr. Lin Yi is a level III technologist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. He is responsible for scientific research, tech leading, system engineering and project management in multiple projects/missions of NASA and DARPA. His expertise lies in areas of atomic clocks, GNSS and deep space navigation, ultra-fast and DUV laser engineering, precision instrumentation and measurement, software engineering, embedded system architecture, F&T metrology, AMO and plasma physics. Dr. Yi has published more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers. B.S. in EE(99-03), Ph.D. in Physics (03-09) with honors, both from Peking University, P. R. China. Postdoc at Paris Observatory (09-11). Visiting scientist at PTB in Germany (11). NASA Postdoctoral Fellow at JPL, U.S.A. (11-13). Permanent staff at JPL/Caltech (13-now). Dr. Yi holds leadership positions in INCOSE and IEEE. He serves as a reviewer for NSF, NASA, OSA, IEEE, AIP, IOP, USRA.