Naufal N sir brings forth a wealth of experience ranging from academia to industry, spanning from cutting-edge research in power electronics to practical applications in industrial automation. He Delved into the latest advancements in power electronic applications within power systems, with a focus on the pioneering work conducted at the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology. Sir Gained valuable insights into real-world projects undertaken in the United Arab Emirates, including the installation and commissioning of high-tech electrical systems in collaboration with leading global firms like Advanced Maintenance Technology Consultants (AMTC). Explored the intricacies of industrial automation, predictive maintenance, and power system control, with a deep dive into projects involving CNC machines, hydraulics, PLC programming, and more. Naufal N sir Learned about the speaker's academic journey, from earning a Master's degree in Power and Energy Engineering at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham to pursuing a Doctorate in Power Electronic Applications in Power Systems at the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology. He also Gained insights into the speaker's active involvement in organizations like ISTE, where they have organized workshops and conducted talks on FPGA applications in power and control systems.