Luiken & Palacio - Day 02 Breakout Session 03 - Sections Congress 2023

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Session Title : Sustainable Development & Climate Change Challenges - Engagement & Technologies at the Local Level.
Session Type : Breakout Session
Session Description : In this session, our focus will be on the different local level (Section, Chapter, Student Branch ... ) OU activities in support of meeting climate change and sustainability challenges. First, we will discuss IEEE ‘s early efforts in this arena. We will then focus on specific recent and/or on-going success stories happening in specific entities within the IEEE world, within

  • Sections
  • Student Branches Chapters
  • Local Groups
  • Affinity Groups (YP, WIE)

...that are making a difference and moving the needle in our efforts to impact the existential threat of climate change and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Inclusive in our discussion will be our efforts in establishing.

  • Policy
  • Standards
  • Forums
  • Conferences
  • Webinars and Seminars

Lastly, we will end with a call to action for our sections, Chapters, Student Branches, YP and WIE entities and Local Groups to support this IEEE wide focus and to share best practices.

Speakers Name : Maike Luiken, Ed Palacio

IEEE Sections Congress, the triennial flagship event hosted by MGA, brought together volunteer leaders from every member country to share ideas and solutions. IEEE Sections Congress 2023 was an in-person event.

Volunteer leaders worldwide met in the Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada, to exchange ideas and learn about the products and programs IEEE offers to members in their local areas.

There were dynamic and engaging networking sessions to exchange ideas and best practices. IEEE organizational units offered exhibit booths to provide information on IEEE resources and tools to strengthen and support vital units.

IEEE volunteers and members attended Sections Congress 2023 from 11-13 August 2023.


Session Title : Sustainable Development & Climate Change Challenges - Engagement & Technologies at the Local Level.
Session Type : Breakout Session
Session Description : In this session, our focus will be on the different local level (Section, Chapter, Student Branch ... ) OU activities in support of meeting climate change and sustainability challenges. First, we will discuss IEEE ‘s early efforts in this arena. We will then focus on specific recent and/or on-going success stories happening in specific entities within the IEEE world, within

  • Sections
  • Student Branches Chapters
  • Local Groups
  • Affinity Groups (YP, WIE)

...that are making a difference and moving the needle in our efforts to impact the existential threat of climate change and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Inclusive in our discussion will be our efforts in establishing.

  • Policy
  • Standards
  • Forums
  • Conferences
  • Webinars and Seminars

Lastly, we will end with a call to action for our sections, Chapters, Student Branches, YP and WIE entities and Local Groups to support this IEEE wide focus and to share best practices.

Speakers Name : Maike Luiken, Ed Palacio