A Study of Thermal Analysis Modeling Method for Press-pack IGBT Modules Considering Contact Surface Damage
(39:24 + Q&A) - Prof. Tong An, Beijing University of Technology
Summary: With high power density double-sided cooling, press-pack insulated-gate bipolar transistor (PP-IGBT) modules have been widely employed in high power conversion systems. As the power density of PP-IGBT modules increases, establishing a thermal analysis model for the PP-IGBT module and providing an accurate temperature field and thermodynamic information about the PP-IGBT module under service conditions are crucial for reliability analysis and the thermal design of power and electronics systems. The results show that the thermal resistance of the material layer within the PP-IGBT module has little change after power cycling, while the thermal contact resistance, especially the Al metallization/emitter Mo interface, experiences a relatively large increase during power cycling. To obtain the parameters of the RC thermal network model, we conducted transient thermal impedance curve tests for the PP-IGBT module after various numbers of power cycles, to determine the thermal resistance and thermal capacitance of each material and contact surface based on the structure function curves, and to estimate how the thermal resistance parameter changes with increasing power cycling. This process of thermal contact resistance degradation was introduced into the RC thermal network model. We compare the calculated junction temperature results with the measured results to verify the proposed model.
Tong An received the B.E. degree in safety engineering from Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2006, the M.E. degree in solids mechanics from Beijing University of Technology in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in engineering mechanics from the Beijing University of Technology in 2014. She is currently an Associate Professor with the Institute of Electronics Packaging Technology and Reliability, Beijing University of Technology. Her current research interests include reliability of power semiconductor device, thermomechanical modeling, failure mechanisms of electronic packaging, and micro- and macro-mechanical behaviors of packaging materials.
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(39:24 + Q&A) - Prof. Tong An, Beijing University of Technology
Summary: With high power density double-sided cooling, press-pack insulated-gate bipolar transistor (PP-IGBT) modules have been widely employed in high power conversion systems. As the power density of PP-IGBT modules increases, establishing a thermal analysis model for the PP-IGBT module and providing an accurate temperature field and thermodynamic information about the PP-IGBT module under service conditions are crucial for reliability analysis and the thermal design of power and electronics systems. The results show that the thermal resistance ...