2018 Applied Superconductivity Conference
For more than five decades, ASC has been an important gathering point for the electronics, large scale, and materials fields within the applied superconductivity community. This page presents recordings form their 2018 meeting in Seattle. For more information on the IEEE Council on Superconductivity, visit https://ieeecsc.org
Superconducting quantum computing research and applications in the United States - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
Recorded at the 2018 Applied Superconductivity Conference, this presentation provides a survey of the activities in quantum computing research and development in the United States, inlcuding those carried in academic institutions, industrial research laboratories, as well as government research laboratories.
Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
This plenary session was recorded at the 2018 Applied Superconductivity Conference.
Abstract: The observations of gravitational waves from the mergers of compact binary sources opens a new way to learn about the universe as well as to test General Relativity in the limit of strong gravitational interactions – the dynamics of massive bodies traveling at ...
Applications of Superconductivity in the Detection of Axions - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
The universe is believed to be permeated by an unknown substance named Dark Matter because it is not visible, interacting extremely weakly with ordinary matter while revealing its existence only through gravitational effects. One of the leading candidates is the axion particle, a pseudo-scalar, similar to the scalar Higgs particle, but much lighter in mass. Axions were also...
New Results from the G2 Axion Dark Matter Experiment - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
Numerous astrophysical measurements indicate that much of our universe is made of an undiscovered type of matter, termed 'Dark Matter'. The axion is a hypothetical particle that is a well-motivated candidate for dark matter inspired by the Peccei-Quinn solution to the Strong-CP problem in Nuclear Physics. After decades of work, the US DOE ...
MIRAI Program and the New Super-high Field NMR Initiative in Japan - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
Low temperature superconductors (LTS) require liquid helium, yet can only generate a magnetic field lower than 24 T. For full-fledged commercialization of superconducting equipment, high temperature superconducting (HTS) conductors are preferred as they can be cooled by the more...
The Prospects for Scalable Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
Dramatic progress has been made in the last decade and a half towards realizing solid-state systems for quantum information processing with superconducting quantum circuits. Artificial atoms (or qubits) based on Josephson junctions have improved their coherence times more than a million-fold, have been entangled, and used to perform simple quantum algorithms. The next challenge for the field is demonstrating ...
Superconducting RF Cavities and Future Particle Accelerators - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) represents the last big step in particle accelerators for high energy physics. This machine follows three previous generations at increasing energies of complementary particle accelerators: exploratory proton-proton machines and more precise electron-positron machines. The next big step for particle physics is ...
High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) as Enabling Technology for Sustainable Mobility and Energy Efficiency - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
The use of HTS in Mobility and in Power Technology is not a goal by itself. This plenary presentation will consider general and fundamental aspects and correlations in the respective field and enlighten the basic relations - not requiring the audience to be deep dive experts in the field, but aiming to provide some new insights for everyone. HTS in general is a quite well known phenomenon to many potential ...
Microstructure-Property Correlations in Superconducting Wires - Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018
Because of their complexity on length scales from atomic disorder to macroscopic cables, the development of the high performance superconductors relies on accurate characterization of their micro- and macrostructures. Furthermore, the performance of superconductors is often limited by structural and chemical inhomogeneities, both locally and ...