Worms, Waves, and Robots

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#Alexander S. Boxerbaum #Andrew D. Horchler #Kendrick M. Shaw #Hillel J. Chiel #Roger D. Quinn #Biologically Inspired Robotics #Case Western Reserve University #peristalsis #earthworms #wormlike robots #continuously deformable outer mesh #soft hyperredundant robot

The Biologically Inspired Robotics group at Case Western Reserve University has developed several innovative designs for a new kind of robot that uses peristalsis, the method of locomotion used by earthworms. Unlike previous wormlike robots, their concept uses a continuously deformable outer mesh that interpolates the body position between discrete actuators. The group summarizes its progress with this soft hyper-redundant robot.

The Biologically Inspired Robotics group at Case Western Reserve University has developed several innovative designs for a new kind of robot that uses peristalsis, the method of locomotion used by earthworms. Unlike previous wormlike robots, their concept uses a continuously deformable outer mesh that interpolates the body position between discrete actuators. The group summarizes its progress with this soft hyper-redundant robot.